Monday, December 03, 2012

I'm back! (Blogging, I mean.)

This blog has been effectively silent since December 2009, or three years. Why? Well, mostly because my blogging energy has been applied to developing content for my employers. If you look at all the material I have created over these three years, I certainly haven't been silent.

Here's a partial list of my work during that stretch. I either completely or mostly authored all of the pieces below:

Seminars, webinars, and university courses:
Video blog posts:
Text blog posts:
Digital publications:

Well, I want to re-introduce you all to this blog now because I'm going to start publishing here again. There are a number of topics that I'd like to explore independent of the context of a particular company, and this is the best place to do so. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the new content. Stay tuned ...

(Image courtesy of Just2Shutter at

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